Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Final design

This is my final product of my symbol

Description :

This symbol that represents me , have three different parts . First part is the Ball . This ball represents a puck and an earth , the puck shows my passion in ice hockey , i have always dream of being apart of the NHL training in the United States . The ball that resemble an earth , i am the kind of person who like to travel around , and i am an out going person , can't stay at home all the time .

The second part is the wing , the wing have a curvy shape because it resemble protection . It also represent freedom , more freedom is what i am seeking for , i don't like being ordered .

The third part is a symbol that i have designed , Both left and right resemble an alphabet "z" and the middle resembles an alphabet 'I' and it also resemble an arrow . The 'z' and 'i' resembles my name , everyone calls me ZI , the arrow shows that i am a person who always aim high and never give up

The Colours

In this assignment i have used three different colour , orange , yellow and light green . The colour yellow to orange represent me as an aggressive , daring , hot tempered and cheerful person . Light green represent me as a relaxing and happy go lucky person

The tools

The tools i used to accomplish my assignment is Pen tool , Selection tool , Direct selection tool , Gradient tool and Eye dropper tool

Thursday, March 6, 2008

2nd sketch ( Final sketch )

This is my 2nd sketch and it will be my final sketch , this is just the rough sketch of my symbol , i will beautify it in illustrator

The wings represent freedom , where i am a person who likes freedom

The middle part represents a Z and an I where is my name Ziyin , it also represent an arrow

the circle on the top represent a puck which shows my passion in ice hockey

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Personal Symbol ( Sketch 1 )

This is my first sketch for my Personal Symbol , and i am not satisfy with it , there are a few thing missing here and i am still finding out .